Digger Team Football Camp offers you the opportunity to enhance your individual skills in a team atmosphere. You will learn the fundamentals that will make you a championship player on a championship team. Our experienced staff will emphasize individual and fundamental techniques while your own coaches will bring these teachings together to enhance your team's offensive and defensive schemes.
• One-on-one instruction by the coaching staff
• Weight training tips and individual instruction
• Availability of weight facility and workout time
• Flexibility, agility, and form running instruction
• Opportunity for coaches to gain valuable practice time with team
• Oredigger football t-shirt
• Athletic Trainer on duty at all times
• Brand New Turf Field
Dates & Times
6/8 Man Camp: June 9th-11th, 2023
11 Man Camp: June 13th-15th, 2023
6/8 Man Camp Overnight - $230
6/8 Man Camp Commuter - $195
11 Man Camp Overnight - $230
11 Man Camp Commuter - $195
*No cost for 8 coaches. $30 for each additional coach. Food, beverages, lodging and coaching shirts will be provided.
Please make checks payable to: Digger Football Camp & Return to: Doug Schleeman - Football Camp Director Montana Tech Football Office 1300 W. Park St., Butte, MT 59701
What To Bring
Physical Form: A signed physical form to provide at check-in.
Equipment: Helmet, shoulder pads, jersey, mouthpiece, practice pants with pads, football shoes, shorts, t-shirts, socks. Must have insurance information. Equipment will not be provided by Montana Tech.
• Bring spending money for free time.
• Sleeping bag, pillows, and a towel.
Cancellation Policy
A $30.00 administration fee will be deducted for cancellations before May 31st regardless of the situation. NO REFUNDS after May 31st.